Friday, 20 November 2015

GP appointment November 2015

Hi lovely people.  I haven't received an update on the progress of the funding request from my email to Dr Tyagi in October so I visited my GP Dr Stevenson yesterday but unfortunately he couldn't give an answer but suggested it would most likely be next year!!! He said he was unsure how the funding worked but assumed it would go to Ayrshire & Arran Healthboard and Dr Tyagi would be in touch.  I asked him if he would chase it for me but said he wouldn't and would see little point as it would likely be a lengthy process.  I asked some questions and every response I received was "I can't answer your questions its beyond my expertise" "your questions are valid" "I can't comment on that" the responses were due to the fact I mentioned Dr Tyagi's mistakes about reporting on my Carotid Artery instead of the Vertebral. I also reminded Dr Stevenson that he received a letter from Dr Tyagi stating my Carotid Artery was normal and I explained that the wrong artery had been investigated.  Dr Stevenson's response "I can't comment on that".  I told him had my original doctor's acted on my symptoms, had A&E not sent me home and had Dr Dosumu listened and not refused to refer me to neurology I might not be in the position I am in now with a chronic headache, pulsatile tinnitus and multiple other symptoms.  He suggested A&E was probably not the best place to be diagnosed as they are there to save lives and triage patients who were most possibly not going to make it till 9am the next morning, I politely reminded him that I must be one of the lucky ones, had I not lay down to my symptoms I could of quite possibly have been one of those patients who had a stroke.  His suggestion after me asking "if A&E is not the place to go and GP's don't listen and believe you then where would I go? His answer "a Neurologist"  I had to contain myself and not lift my size 5 foot to his rear end, his partner Dr Dosumu was the one who said I did not have pulsatile tinnitus and would not refer me due to a previous normal scan, she read from her computer screen from my previous doctor's practice that I had neuralgia and normal tinnitus and asked me to come back with a named doctor to be referred to.  Dr Stevenson asks what my response will be if the opinion from London is obtained and it shows no dissection has taken place.  Yet as my doctor he does nothing to offer to investigate what else could be potentially causing my symptoms.  This man is an arrogant twat in every word that comes out his mouth. It beggars belief that doctor's abroad can diagnose me from my symptoms and scans yet doctor's here can't or won't!  There is one certainty that I can assure myself and that is I will get to the bottom of my symptoms and receive a diagnosis.  (see I am being arrogant now, I learned that from the numerous GP's I have seen over the last 3 years)

My husband Mr Wanderer is a Gas Heating Engineer and if he is called out to a boiler that has problems and the householder is reporting its broken and making awful noises, it is his duty to find out what is wrong with that boiler and keep investigating until it is fixed, if he didn't and told the householder I am sorry there is nothing I can do, I am unsure what is wrong with your boiler and I might never be able to answer your questions and I can only treat the symptoms with medication(ie I will change every part of your boiler because I don't know) then he would loose his job because his employer would dismiss him for not carrying out his job properly.  I know its a rubbish comparison but you get where I am coming from.  I decided to give Dr Stevenson a copy of Ten Top Tips for Doctors on Pulsatile Tinnitus written by doctors for doctors, its taken from the website.

I also asked for a copy of the recent discharge letter from my neurologist Dr Tyagi and there was also a letter from Dr Tracey Baird (the colleague of Dr Tyagi who visited me during my hospital stay) explaining there was no evidence of dissection and my question of dissection would never be answered.  Again the communication has been very poor because I should of been sent a copy of this letter from Dr Baird. I should be kept informed about decisions about me yet this seems non existent. Why has my symptoms now been put into the bracket of has she or hasn't she? Why am I not being treated as an individual patient who has on going symptoms? Why has no doctor taken the stance to look more in depth at my symptoms to find a cause and treat me. Dr Baird didn't mention in her letter that she had reviewed my scan and that she had based her decision on looking at my Carotid Artery instead of my Vertebral Artery.  It's slightly bewildering that doctors leave key facts out of their letters. I know myself what I am experiencing and that sound is coming from that artery and the pain is coming from that artery. (the arrogance is creeping in again)  Dr Baird goes on in her letter to state that she is not aware of anyone in Scotland who carries out that sort of intervention on an artery. Dr Tracey Baird this link is for you
Doctor's may not carry out these procedures in Scotland but they are carried out worldwide, Scotland is most definitely not at the forefront of Neurointervention and by not offering me the test of a cerebral angiogram to confirm the suspicions of Dr Shapiro in NY is alarming considering the seriousness of the diagnosis and the fact that the only test available to confirm what is going on with my artery is the cerebral angiogram.  Of course this is to stop me being given the diagnosis that they have missed. 

Dr Shapiro explains in detail in his report on how to carry out the procedure and what to look for and how to fix the artery. After having suffered for 3 years I have very little trust in what any of the doctors tell me here in Scotland.

There are many doctors who honestly need to pay a visit to an optician or maybe go back to med school, all the doctor's who report my scan is normal really need to stop covering each others backsides, not one of them will take a stand of their own and say they see what Dr Shapiro see's.  Would their family members be treated in the same manner I have been?  I have no other option but to conclude the Neurologists of Glasgow have severe eyesight problems.

*A note to the Neurologists and Neuroradiologists of Southern General Hospital/Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Glasgow please have a look at my MRA & CTA again and have a look at the left vertebral artery at V3 level, you will notice at the back of the atlas loop there is a strange bulge in my artery, it is called a double barrel lumen or false lumen which is caused by an artery tear.  I hear turbulent blood flow in my head, I have a constant headache, neck pain and ear pressure.  When I stand up or bend down I get a massive head rush and hear a loud roaring sound, when I exert myself and try and do too much I become off balance and I am pulled to the left.  I have pins and needles in the left of my head!  So my question is what is causing my symptoms if all scans are normal?

Whirring Wanderer