A few medical reports of Vertebral Artery Dissections
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15068515 Pulsatile Tinnitus as a symptom of artery dissection.
http://www.acep.org/Education/Continuing-Medical-Education-(CME)/Focus-On/Focus-On--Headache-and-Neck-Pain---When-to-Suspect-Cervical-Artery-Dissection/ When to focus on head and neck pain.
http://www.whooshers.com/2012.09.01_arch.html#1346508616550 A cured patient from the Whooshers community who had a vertebral artery dissection with fusiform aneurysm. Please look them up on Facebook "Pulsatile Tinnitus Whooshers Unite"
http://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/567644_5 Some clinical findings in Artery Dissections.
www.vertebralarterydissection.com/.../vad-stroke-personal-stories-12.htm Female age 31 suffered varying symptoms including ear pain and pulsatile tinnitus,VAD diagnosed after 8 weeks.
http://radiopaedia.org/cases/vertebral-artery-dissection-with-left-pica-infarct-1 A 30yr old male who's images are identical to mine with a double lumen being created. I contacted the doctor concerned who reported on the images and sent my scans to India, my diagnosis Vertebral Artery Dissection causing double lumen.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2588305/ More clinical symptoms.