Monday, 4 September 2017

Sometimes I have no words except sweary ones! September 2017 Update

Do you ever have a strange random thought that some bastard is out to get you?  Anyway I never got the promised telephone call from London. Nor did the response only take a few weeks, to be exact I was told around 3-4 weeks. 

I received a letter/report on the 17th June 2017 from Dr Matharu it states it was typed on the 31st March. I was a day patient from the 28th to 31st March so if it was indeed typed on the 31st my scans must of been reviewed the previous two days in which they could of told me what the findings were. It certainly was a long time to wait all of April, all of May and half of June to receive a letter, maybe it got lost on its long journey from England to Scotland.

The opinion on my scans MRI 2013 and CTA 2015: NO DISSECTION IDENTIFIED. He concurs with his friend Dr Tyagi that a dissection is not the cause of her headache. He also states "he would be happy to see her again on the understanding that she accepts our opinion regarding the dissection"

My Expert Opinion: It is very unfortunate and strange that doctors too in London have issues with their eyesight. Also I might add that there were 3 scans to be reviewed. My MRA 2014 was not reported on and there is no reason given as to why it was not reported on. I gave two copies of my MRA as they said there was an issue with it, the second copy was posted and there was no issue with it as I had it copied and tried in several computer systems and all images were viewable. 

Interestingly Dr Matharu states I have a colloid cyst on the left of the foramen Monroe in the third ventricle of my brain that was not visible in 2013 and a microadenoma can not be ruled out.  I have previously asked if there was anything showing on my pituitary gland due to some hormone problems and I was told no. 

Coincidence that its on the left? The report does not state if some of my recent symptoms could be caused by a colloid cyst.  Remember I told doctor's about the newer type of headache at the top of my head and I had a feeling something else was going on.

My care has been transferred back to my GP and Neurologist Dr Tyagi. Its now September and I have heard nothing. I have had to search the internet to find out what a colloid cyst is.

I phoned my GP surgery to see if they too had received the letter and the receptionist said they had, she confirmed I was referred to neurology.

So if you need a recap, I was sent to London for a second independent opinion in January (only it wasn't independent as it was my neurologists friend) In January I was told along with my husband what I had was a New Daily Headache and that I did not have a dissection previously to cause my symptoms. I was told 100% I did not have a vertebral artery dissection. I disagreed and told him so. I questioned this as my scans had not been reviewed. I was then invited back to London in March for a review of my scans, again I was told nothing would be found yet they still hadn't reviewed my scans. Scans eventaully reviewed and lettered mid June. I should not have been referred to a neurologist regarding my scans, I wanted an opinion on my scans to speak with a Neurointervention specialist not to be speaking with a Neurologist who assures me his radiology department could not see anything.  Why can any other joe bloggs see my scans are not normal?

I'm still whooshing,whirring, headaching and vertigoing along with a little colloid cunt of a friend.